Compliance Guidelines


Statement of IDAIR Management Board

As a globally active company in the VIP Aviation Business operating in various business fields mainly providing hardware and software for IFE and CMS. IDAIR shares substantial responsibility for lawful behavior and fair competition in the relevant markets. Our goal is sustainable economic success. Compliance with applicable laws forms the basis for all conduct of IDAIR employees. The IDAIR Compliance Program provides a binding framework for all IDAIR employees and represents the clear and unmistakable commitment of the Management Board to comply with all applicable national and international laws, regulations, and guidelines. We are aware that any violation of applicable laws poses an extraordinary risk to IDAIR and to every one of us as an individual and is therefore unacceptable. We are all called upon to actively participate in implementing the IDAIR Compliance Program in our daily work and in our respective areas of responsibility, in order to prevent any harm from any individual and from our company.

IDAIR Compliance Guidelines

Integrity Compliance

The Integrity Compliance Guidelines establish general principles for anti-corruption measures and provides a framework for employees of IDAIR regarding the acceptance and granting of benefits, invitations and gifts. An invitation to events is a special form of a benefit and a guideline is in place that provides a framework for employees of IDAIR for invitations of third parties to events, either organized by IDAIR or to external events. IDAIR gives guidance to IDAIR employees on the provision of presents and gifts, inviting third parties to lunches and dinners and any other benefits IDAIR employees wish to provide to an external party. Also, regulations on Conflict of Interest are given to IDAIR employees, which have to be followed when they are offered any benefits, e.g. invitations to events or meals, gifts or any other benefits. Furthermore, any other potential conflict of interest such as private relationships with business partners is covered in this guideline. The Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Guideline defines measures in order to avoid that no payments are used to influence any decisions by business partners or public officials.


Competition Compliance

The Competition Compliance Guideline familiarizes employees of IDAIR with antitrust and competition laws and regulations.


Ombudsman and electronic Whistleblowing system

IDAIR follows the Whistleblowing system of Lufthansa Technik Group.

The Ombudsman is a freelance attorney who is not an employee of the Lufthansa Group. As a neutral, independent contact, the Ombudsman takes complaints in writing or by telephone and provides them to the Corporate Compliance Office in an anonymized form, if this is what the complainant wishes. The identity of the complainant is protected by the attorney-client privilege. Moreover, IDAIR has contractually agreed not to request access to any legally privileged information and to be informed of the complainant’s name only following his/her express consent.


Contact Ombudsman

Furthermore, you can now make use of an electronic whistleblowing system submitting a report anonymously by setting up a postbox. This service is available in 9 languages 24hours 7 days a week.


Report Electronically